How to Get a New Girlfriend!

How to Get a New Girlfriend!

Understanding Women of the 21st Century – What Women Want!

The world is full of single women. in fact according to the 2010 Census there were more than 17,000,000 women living single and loving it. Single men used to out number single women by far but things are shifting and the gap is getting smaller. According to the same survey there were slightly under 14,000,000 men living under the single status.

So while there are more than enough ladies available – they no longer need to marry in order to establish happy and full lives. In the 1950’s more than 50% of all females were married by the time they were 20 years old. If they weren’t they were deemed deviant. Unless the ladies had some ailment or mental handicap the role to fill was the happy housewife. Unmarried females would be called spinsters or old maids. Doctors just kept the ladies doped up on Valium so they wouldn’t realize what a raw deal they were getting.

Now females have managed to become educated, employed – empowered. The helpless lady is now a warrior. Women enjoy financial freedom and can now qualify for a loan without a man. A lady can buy her own damn house and car and open the door all by herself.

Women still want companionship and the growing trend are couples that live together – unmarried. Women are getting crazy ideas. They realize the package deal that was sold for generations might no longer be the best investment. It takes a pretty clever guy to attract today’s woman. They no longer have to depend on men, so it’s a little tougher to chain these ladies down – you will definitely need at least one big ball.

Before You Get A New Girlfriend….

  1. If you are married get divorced. If you have a girlfriend you need to break up with her. Don’t just take the new girl for a test drive in case she doesn’t work out. Make sure you are mentally prepared and have no ties to your old girlfriend.
  2. Get a J-O-B! Girlfriends are expensive. If your new girl has to pay for your dinner – well you are just a liability, now aren’t you? If you are getting your act together and you are interested in a female it would be a good first step to let her know that you are working on your situation and you would look forward to spending more time together while you work things out. Try being friends first if you aren’t ready for a girlfriend.
  3. If you are over 21 unless you are helping your parents in some way – move out of their home. Learn to take care of yourself and live independently. Most females (not really desperate ones) think it is weird when they ask where you live and you say with your mother. There are exceptions to every rule but if you are just free loading – don’t be afraid to grow up.

Where to Find a Girlfriend

  • Move. Most of the men that are living single are on the west coast and the single ladies live on the east coast. Not only are these ladies single but some of them are rich too!
  • Work – have you really looked at the single girls where you work? Are there any you might consider knowing better?
  • Take a Class – If you like photography take a class at a local community college. There are classes available in just about any subject that interests you. Single, available women are at college campuses near you in mass quantities. Step outside of your comfort zone if you think it isn’t for you. Try it.
  • Join a gym if you like healthy ladies.
  • Volunteer your time to a cause you support – it is a great way to meet people you already have something important in common with.
  • Join a Club – if you like to Hike or do outdoor things – there are clubs for singles for just about anything. Google is your friend.
  • Do you have nieces or nephews? Tag along to their sporting events.
  • Do things you enjoy – if you like art – go to an art museum. Do things that you like to do – and you are bound to meet people with common interests. Learn to be happy with yourself. Don’t depend on a woman to make you happy!
  • Mail order a bride. If you just can not find a good American woman you may have to cast your net a little wider. Apparently Russia has an excess of lovely ladies who would marry you no matter what sight unseen. In this case – you can smell and look like a sweaty pig and still get a girlfriend who will agree to marry you. She won’t even understand what the hell you are saying so it would be hard to screw that up.
  • Dating service – In 2002 there were more than 904 dating services like Here people seriously looking for a date!

Single, eligible and mentally stable females are everywhere. Getting a girlfriend isn’t rocket science. Most women are just looking for companionship and someone to share their experiences with. Love and affection will grow if it is cultivated. Find happiness in your life and the rest will follow.

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