5 Ways to Meet New Friends Over the Holidays

5 Ways to Meet New Friends Over the Holidays

The holidays can be a lonely time for people, especially if you find yourself without friends right now. The good news is that it’s also the best time to get out and meet a few new people. Use these tips in conjunction with my five weeks to establish a new friendship ecourse and you could have a solid friendship in place for the new year.

The first step is getting out and meeting new people. Here are some ideas.


The holidays are a busy time for towns and churches, and they are always looking for people to help with displays, parades, and more. Call up your local community center, library, or place of worship and ask if they need help somewhere.

Another good thing to do this time of year is feed the homeless and those in need. Check with your local food pantry or homeless shelter to see how you can help.

Athletic Events

If you’re a runner, there are “turkey trot” events all over town. These are usually three to five miles held early in the day (so you can go home and eat a big dinner with your family or friends). These types of events are also great for meeting new people.

The best way to connect with someone is to look for the folks who are also alone. Walk up and say hello. Practice your small talk skills and you might have the beginnings of a new friendship.

Say Yes to Party Invites of Any Type

You know that office coworker that invites you to their cookie making party every

year? Or the lady at church that invites you her holiday costume party? Say yes to these type of events, and any others you’d normally skip. You never know where you might meet a new friend, so for a few hours of your time it’s worth attending.

Singles Travel Tours

The holidays are a popular time for tour packages to various locations. Check out those aimed at singles even if you’re not looking for a date. A single’s tour will be filled with events and ways for people to mingle, which is exactly what you need if you’re looking to make friends.  (Here’s more ways to make friends while you travel.)

Log On to Find Friends

You’re not the only one looking for a friend this time of year. Check out some of the online opportunities where you can meet people, like these sites that connect with you with friends, Meetup events, or people who share your same hobbies.

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