3 Sex Tips for the Best Threesome

3 Sex Tips for the Best Threesome

We all know that there’s always room for more fun in the bedroom, and adding another person is a well known way to do so. That’s why it’s no surprise that someone in a committed relationship might be willing to give it a try. If you are up for the challenge, here are 3 sex tips by u4my.com for being in a threesome.

Choose a Third Player Jointly

You don’t want to spend your whole time worrying about whether or not your husband finds the other girl more attractive to you! You also don’t want him to wonder about whether you like his cock better. Instead find someone that you both find attractive. Discuss the selection before you go out and meet with the person before you have sex.

It may not seem like a big deal, or your partner may say they don’t care, but trust us, it is. Taking the time for both of you to get comfortable with the third wheel, will allow you to spend more time having sex rather than feeling competitive.

Don’t Leave Anyone Unoccupied

A threesome is not two people having sex while the third one watches. Everyone should be a part of the action. To make sure this happens, plan to use sex positions that keep everyone busy. If your threesome consists of two men, you could focus on oral sex while receiving it doggystyle. If the threesome is two females, sometimes a strap on is useful to have.

The important part is to make sure everyone is doing something, even if it is only masturbation. Involve them in the fun by maintaining eye contact or kissing. The point is: leaving a person out of the threesome will lead to hurt feelings and unhealthy levels of jealousy.

Let it All Go

Lets face it, your lover knows all of your bad habits, and he still finds you sexy. The third person in your threesome does not have that benefit. Instead of worrying about this, be willing to laugh at each other and not take anything to seriously. Give each other the benefit of the doubt, and be considerate of each other’s feelings. While it is just sex, no one enjoys giving head to someone who makes them feel ugly- unless they are into that type of stuff.

Letting it all go refers to how you have sex also. You may end up needing to try things that you haven’t tried before. It may stretch you. Just because there are three people, (rather than two), you may need to move into positions that are otherwise uncomfortable for you. You have to let it all go so that you can have the most fun.

Are You Ready for More Fun?

Threesomes are definitely a great way to spice up a relationship. When done right, they can remind you what you like about your lover. There is nothing sexier than a little bit of jealousy right? They also help you try out new sex positions, and be more adventurous. When your bedroom starts to become dull, spice it up with an extra person. 

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